
The sunglass lens replacement company

Germany based Sunlens Service provides comprehensive sunglass lens replacement, upgrade and customization services for vintage, designer and luxury eyewear frames of all kinds.


We know exactly how difficult it is to find a pair of sunglasses that you really like. All the more annoying when you can no longer wear your beloved sunglasses at some point simply because the lenses are scratched or broken. Such glasses often end up in a drawer waiting for a little miracle...

And that's where we come in!

Sunlens Service offers a sustainable solution for sunglasses with scratched or damaged lenses. To this end, we have developed a next-generation replacement sunglass lens that is characterized by its clarity, aesthetics and durability. With our premium SUN LabLens collection, we offer superior quality lenses, usually reserved for the luxury eyewear sector only.


Our Story

We have been working with quality lenses and luxury eyewear for more than 18 years and in this time we have understood one thing above all: Low-quality frames with high-quality lenses are way better than high-quality frames with low-quality lenses. This raises the question: What exactly are high-quality lenses? Well, there are many types of lenses and each lens comes with pros and cons. However, we see our niche in the fashion and urban lifestyle sector and thats exactly where we want to provide superior quality. With the SUN LabLens, we have developed a premium product that unfolds its full potential in precisely this area.


We say thanks!

Special thanks go out to all friends who helped to get this project up and running: Dennis, Hannes, Robert, Helga, Nino, Pit, Florian, Hütti, Optiking, Eastside Brillen, Philipp, Pupay, Jonas, Ronny, Christin, Basti

